
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Error 651 in Windows 7

Posted by vini np at 2:58 PM 0 comments
yesterday night, when I wanna connected to internet, as usually,,there was an error on it. There was a message that written,

"Error 651: The Modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error"

I'll try to disconnect and connect it again more than 5 times, and it made me so frustrated ! first I thought maybe there was some error in ISP (I'm using telkom speedy), so I wait it until today, hope it got normally like before.

today, I try connect to internet again, but, last night, there's a same problem ! Error 651 again ! I ask my friend that using some ISP too like me, but she said there's no error ! she is browsing facebook when I call her. I think it's not the ISP error, but maybe my driver. So, I try to connect using my sister's notebook, and TARAA! it works just fine! My sister's using windows xp and mine, using windows 7 ultimate. So, I search on google to fix my problem.

Some said, to rename the raspppoe.sys like this message

"I would suggest you to replace the driver raspppoe.sys in Windows/System32/Drivers directory with a new one.
Here’s how you do it.
1. Rename the raspppoe.sys to raspppoe.old or any other name as per your choice.
2. Download the file from and save it in Windows/System32/Drivers directory.
Hopefully this should work."

so, I try to do like his suggestion, but it didn't work, my notebook could not rename it system. So, I try another way that simple but not using any command system or rename. I try to uninstall the modem and delete the connection, then I re-install both of them. After that I restart my note book and try to connect with full of hopes and prays. hahaha..

And it works! :D I get my connection back, so I can write this post! ^__^

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cinema3satu dihapus?

Posted by vini np at 11:27 AM 1 comments
beberapa hari yang lalu, saya mau meneruskan download film animasi the wild yang ada 2 bagian (sudah 1 bln gak diterusin,,hahaha!) halamannya sudah saya bookmark sebelumnya, jadi pas buka mozzila langsung terbuka,,eh pas saya klik kok ada tulisan "halaman tidak ditemukan" katanya ?
awalnya sih saya belum curiga, mungkin kmaren salah simpen alamatnya kali? eh tapi kan di bookmark yak? =_="
terus saya coba lagi buka situsnya dan.... jreng! jreng!!
halaman gak ditemukan jugaa! waduuhh..kenapa ya bisa gak ada? mungkin ganti alamat kali? jadi saya search dah di google...
dan....fakta mengejutkan yang saya temukan (haha!) ternyata CINEMA3SATU DIHAPUSS!!
tepatnya sejak satu bulan yang lalu...hahaha,,saya telat update ternyata =p
saya pun googling lagi kenapa situs ini bisa dihapus,,ada yang bilang melanggar hak cipta / peraturan blogger? ada yang ngelaporin situs ini ke pihak blogger?

dan akhirnya saya temukan tulisan seperti ini

"Sebagai jawaban atas delik aduan yang kami terima berdasarkan UU Hak Cipta Digital Milenium AS (US Digital Millennium Copyright Act), kami telah menghapus 1 hasil telusur dari halaman ini. Bila penasaran, Anda dapat membaca delik aduan DMCA yang menyebabkan penghapusan tersebut pada"

Linknya ada disini nih...

ternyata ada pihak yang melapor dan komplin ke google FOX FILM CORPORATION, alasannya cinema3satu telah MELANGGAR HAK CIPTA dan COPYRIGHT atas film VAMPIRE SUCKS

yahh,,mau gimana lagi,,toh masih banyak blog yang nyediain download film gratis atau kalo gak yaa langsung dari IDWS saja..hehee ^__^


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Larangan Bagi yg Punya Bayi III

Posted by vini np at 10:24 PM 1 comments

Larangan Bagi yg Punya Bayi II

Posted by vini np at 10:19 PM 0 comments

Larangan Bagi yg Punya Bayi I

Posted by vini np at 10:03 PM 0 comments
*Harap jangan dicoba di rumah ! Don't try this at home !


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