
Monday, June 22, 2009

My First Hand-Made :D

Posted by vini np at 8:26 PM 0 comments

This is my first design art using corel draw
hurray!!!! :D
I'm very happy!!!
make slump after making a two-hour
also finally finished
although still a bit stiff

but I'm SO HAPPY!!!! 8(,,>.<,,)8

and this is the real picture
so that you know if this pictures like on the top or not

10 interesting facts about the iPod

Posted by vini np at 8:16 PM 0 comments

These are the facts of an interesting, unique, and entertaining around the MP3 player the most popular in the world, Apple iPod.

1. Sales record: 40,000 Songs in 10 Minutes
on 12 July 2004, the iTunes Music Store sells songs to one hundred million. Buyer song to this one hundred million won a 40 GB iPod, 17-inch Powerbook, and vouchers worth 10,000 songs. Within 10 minutes before reaching the number, the song sold 40,000.

2. IPod inventor
Ide MP3 Playe not appear from the boss of Apple, Steve Jobs. IPod is Mr. Anthony M. Fadell. Mid 90's, IT developers have this idea during ski connected for portable music player with an online service. After being rejected by various manufacturers, and the idea received early in the Apple 2001. Until November 2008, he was still the chief of iPod-Division. Then, he quit the company.

3. Cause Headset
In March 2004, the party warned on Mildlands police iPod owners who use the headset original white to use a headset that does not normally visible are using the iPod. The reason, many previous robbery occurred iPod.

4. Expensive Menu
August 2004, Apple sued to pay 100 million Dollars to the competitors on their Creative. The reason, according to the view of the International Commission Trading U.S., the iPod violate patents owned by Creative

5. Most expensive iPod in the world
iPod's most expensive so far sold for U.S. $ 548 in mid-December 2002 in the United States. Second-generation player is a special edition produced with the limited capacity of 20 GB and decorated with the signature pop stars, like Madonna, No Doubt, and Beck.

6. Naming iPod
The name "iPod" was introduced by Vinnie Chieco making campaign ads for the new player in 2001. The device is a white remind her the word "Pod" (which is a white capsule docking flat space) of the outstanding films of 2001, A Space Odyssey.

7. Frequently Delinquent
According to a poll MacinTouch web portal, 2005, one of 7 declared broken iPod. The most frequent complaint is baterei duration is too short, hard disk damage, and surface scratches.

8. Sound Volume Restricted with Laws.
Laws in France to limit the volume is played by the player to 100 decibel. Thus, in Europe, marketed with the iPod volume settings have been adjusted. Meanwhile, the iPod sold in the United States more loud volume settings.

9. Bestsellers
From a small polling Proposed: iPod is the iPod Nano in demand, followed by series and Shuffel Touch. The most preferred colors in the series and the black Nano is not the most preferred color is gold. iPod's color is gold and not sold.

10. Color Error
The first iPod with a color that "variety" is the iPod Mini. When in-charge, changes to pink, while the previous color Magenta. iPod is the wrong color and then sold on eBay `.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How to fix "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services" Error Report

Posted by vini np at 11:33 AM 1 comments

While browsing the Internet, have you got any posts like this?
"Generic Host Process for Win32 Services",
Faulting application svchost.exe,
version 5.1.2600.2180,
faulting module netapi32.dll,
version 5.1.2600.2180,
fault address 0 × 0000a3c0. "
eror occurred in the file

This occurs because the computer is exposed to the blaster notabene I can in the detection by antivirus. some time after this message appears, the internet and lan connection is lost immediately. worm is always the other one through the port 135 and 445.

on WinXP SP1, connect akan lagging occurs because the computer in use for many server menddos through the Internet network so that the resulting connection so super busy, and eventually we can do ngapa2in again.

on xp sp2, after the patch, the connection can not be used for direct connection menddos but in the flush and the block by the system so that we can do kemana2.

how it is to close the ports 135 and 445 manually through regedit
or upgrade your computer to be SP3.

Closing Port 445:

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) by clicking the Start menu, then click Run.
2. In the small box that opens, type: regedit and click OK. Registry Editor is now open.
3. Find the following registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ NetBT \ Parameters
In the right window find the options you named TransportBindName.
Double click the number, then delete the default value, which will be empty (blank value).

Closing Port 135:

1. Then you must find the key below:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Ole
2. You will see a String Value called: EnableDCOM
-Value is set to: N (Y is usually written)
3. Close Registry Editor. Just restart your computer.

Before making changes to the registry, and should dibackup
first, because of the impact of changes in registry, the
such as the LAN connection is not connected, dlsb.

There are 4 new solutions for the Generic Host For Win32 Error in Windows, which is taken from Sizlopedia:

Solution # 1:

Click 'Run' and type 'regedit'
Click the section:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SYSTEM> CurrentControlSet> Services> Browser> Parameters
Look by clicking on the Find keywords: IsDomainMaster
and set
Data: False
Restart your PC.

Solution # 2:

Click 'Run' and type 'cmd'
Write 'netsh' command in the console and press enter
Kemduian type 'Winsock' and press enter then write reset
Restart your PC.

Solution # 3:

Download LspFix ( and follow the steps provided.

Solution # 4:

Download Microsoft Patch Update ( and run. "Thanx to Nirmal for this."

Hopefully one of the above solutions will have a complete error.

Please follow the other news at:


(also because I had experienced things like this, it is the most well upgrade your computer to be SP3:))

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Download Video From youtube

Posted by vini np at 11:09 PM 0 comments
How to download video from is very easy. The steps are:
1. The first way you must copy the url of the video that you want (it's in right side)
2. and then open this url
3. paste it in white box and click download
4. select format that you want.. .flv or .mpv
5. click right mouse and select save target as
and do forget to rename it (ex. video.flv or video.mp4)

good luck! :)


Posted by vini np at 11:03 PM 0 comments
don't walk in front of me,
I may not follow.
don't walk behind me,
I may not lead.
walk beside me
and be my friend. friends..
u fight, I fight
u hurt, I hurt
u cry, I cry
u jump off a bridge...
I'll get a paddle boat and save ur retarded butt!

friends are like balloons
once you let them go
you can't get them back
I'm going to tie you to my heart
so I never loose you.

Let's Get Started

Posted by vini np at 10:47 PM 0 comments
I am making this blog at 11 p.m !
although I'm so tired..and my eyes already 5 watt..hahaa O_o..I'm still typing.
But, I'm really want to have "something" from blogging.
I want it.
I want it.

hahaaaa :D

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